In our first edition, Ainsley Simpson reflects on the catastrophes experienced across both Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand and the urgency of resilience. To read the letter click below.
IS Essentials case study - A new beacon of sustainability!
Just as traffic lights and signs guide drivers on the roads, buoys and beacons do the same on water. But exposed to the elements, beacons have had a surprisingly short lifespan of just 40 years.
Click below and learn how Maritime Safety Queensland was able to address sustainability challenges thanks to IS Essentials.
How our Net Zero Labs are helping organizations tackle climate change and reduce business risk.
Climate change represents an urgent and potentially irreversible threat to human societies and the planet. Decarbonization is key to limiting this temperature increase and represents a historic and challenging milestone for our clients across sectors around the world.
Click below to learn more about our member contribution from Jacobs.
CONNECTNZ 2023 is your opportunity to listen, learn and lead sustainably. Focused on the major challenges of our time - climate change, inequality, resilience. Our sector must ensure that future infrastructure is fit-for-purpose. Our future will be defined by net zero, social value, natural capital and world-class infrastructure. The purpose of infrastructure is to enable people to thrive. We need to accelerate collaboration to deliver a positive impact for all. Collaboration is catalysed at CONNECTNZ.
Event Overview:
Tuesday, 2 May 2023: Infrastructure Sustainability Accredited Professionals Day Welcome Reception
Wednesday, 3 May 2023: ConnectNZ Networking Dinner