Why your built environment project should enter the Premier’s Sustainability Awards - ISCouncil

Why your built environment project should enter the Premier’s Sustainability Awards

Friday, 4 May 2018

Feedback from recent Premier’s Sustainability Awards’ entrants confirms their involvement has led to wide-ranging benefits for staff, customers and communities.

“In the Awards’ 16-year history, businesses, organisations, schools and community groups have enjoyed the opportunity to not only demonstrate their sustainability work, but to promote it with their broader stakeholders,” Sustainability Victoria CEO, Stan Krpan, said.

Mr Krpan said that there were a range of reasons why built environment projects should enter the Premier’s Sustainability Awards in 2018.

“Previous finalists and winners report that completing the entry leads to reflection and pride in what they have achieved. It’s great for staff and partners, customer and community morale!”

“Many projects involve a range of stakeholders. The recognition gained from the Awards helps strengthen these existing relationships and supports future engagement.”

“Having your green credentials acknowledged promotes your reputation and can give you a marketing edge. Sustainability Victoria supports finalists and winners with media releases and promotional collateral.”

“Involvement in the program offers unique opportunities to connect with like-minded individuals and create new opportunities. The Awards ceremony is the night of nights for Victoria’s sustainability sector,” Mr Krpan said.

Being recognised as a finalist in the Government category in 2017 was an honour for CASBE (Council Alliance for a Sustainable Built Environment).

“It drew focus to our work in sustainable built environments. To be amongst the other finalists, participating in such an esteemed event, emphasised the important role we all have to play in the larger collective effort,” said Natasha Palich, MAV (CASBE).

The Cape housing development was a finalist in the 2017 Built Environment and Environmental Protection categories. Director, Brendan Condon says, “The Premier’s Sustainability Awards is a peak event for sustainability practitioners and innovators in Victoria … Our experience has been really positive, including the media and publicity generated for our project, and the credibility that they bestow on those who participate. I highly recommend these awards to anyone who is working in the sustainability field, whether small or large business, community group or not-for-profit.”

Entries in the Premier’s Sustainability Awards close Thursday, 7 June, 2018.

To enter, learn more about the awards and to register for a free Information Session (Monday 30 April 2-3pm and Wednesday 16 May 10-11am), visit www.sustainabilityawards.vic.gov.au

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