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Read MoreThiess John Holland Dragados boring ahead on the Sydney Metro Northwest tunnels with a ‘Leading’ IS Design rating
The Sydney Metro Northwest project’s tunnel builders have been awarded a ‘Leading’ Infrastructure Sustainability (IS) Design rating by the Infrastructure Sustainability Council of Australia (ISCA). The rating was awarded to Thiess John Holland Dragados (TJHD), which is delivering the $1.15 billion contract on behalf of Transport for NSW. A ‘Leading’ IS rating is the highest possible achievement in the IS scheme.
ISCA CEO Antony Sprigg says, “ISCA aims to recognise and encourage beyond business-as-usual sustainability activities in the planning, construction and operational phases of infrastructure projects.”
“We congratulate the Thiess John Holland Dragados team for applying the IS rating scheme during the design of this project and their commitment to continue applying it throughout construction.”
“The achievement of a ‘Leading’ IS Design rating – the highest possible level – is truly an exemplary performance and an inspiration of what can be achieved when sustainability practices are adopted," he said.
With the Sydney Metro Northwest project, Transport for NSW has sought to raise the bar for sustainable design and delivery of infrastructure projects through establishing a suite of performance requirements, including that contractors achieve IS Design ratings.
Sydney Metro Program Director Rodd Staples said, “This significant achievement by TJHD puts the Sydney Metro Northwest project as a whole on a very solid foundation to realise exemplary sustainability outcomes”.
The TJHD team has excelled in sustainability management and systems, achieving maximum scores in five management systems credits:
TJHD reduced emissions by 24 per cent through initiatives including the use of B5 blended fuel, hybrid excavators, fuel efficient training and awareness programs, design optimisation and reduced electricity consumption. Closed-loop recirculation networks reduced water use by 37 per cent from the reference footprint.
The TJHD design substituted more sustainable components, for example in its high strength concrete mix, enabling a 45 per cent reduction in ecopoints for its materials score. The design also provided best practice flood immunity to protect station evacuations from the probable maximum flood event through a flood management protocol, barriers, pumps and sumps.
TJHD Project Director Terry Sleiman says, “The whole team has been committed to a ground-breaking vision for sustainable infrastructure delivery of the twin tunnels and civil works for five stations and two services facilities.”
“While constructing a high quality, value-for-money asset, TJHD has worked collaboratively to find sustainability initiatives that reduce environmental impacts on communities, ensure sites are safe for workers and the community, and maximise social benefits.”
TJHD has also registered for an IS As-Built rating. The tunnelling contract is expected to be completed in 2017.