Retiring IS v1.2 Design & As Built Rating Tools – 31 December 2023
On 31 December 2023, the Infrastructure Sustainability Council is retiring the IS v1.2 Design and As Built Rating tools, and will no longer be accepting Rating Registrations of Interest.
In order to deploy IS v1.2 Design & As Built, the following conditions are applicable:
- The project has an executed Rating Agreement and is underway; or
- The Rating Agreement is executed by 20 February 2024; and
- The project or program, defined under the Rating Agreement must commence before 1 July 2024.
Projects and programs which do not meet these criteria will default to the ISv2.1 Design & As Built.
This retirement has no impact on projects already assuring performance using ISv1.2.
There is no requirement to transition to ISv2.1, however there are pathways should you wish to commit to evolving best practice.
The ISC is fully committed to supporting you and your teams and will undertake critical maintenance of the ISv1.2 Design and As Built tools until all registered projects are complete.
Please reach out to your IS Project Manager if you have any questions