Western Packages (Cherry St, Werribee Street & Old Geelong Road Level Crossing Removals) - ISCouncil

Western Packages (Cherry St, Werribee Street & Old Geelong Road Level Crossing Removals)

Project Details

  • Project Owner: McConnell Dowell Constructors (Aust) Pty Ltd
  • Rating Type: As Built
  • Location: VIC
  • Rating Level: Excellent
  • Rating Score: 53
  • IS Project manager: Luke Sammut
  • Stakeholders: LXRP,McConnell Dowell ,Arup and Mott Mac ,MTM


The Western Packages (Cherry Street, Werribee Street and Old Geelong Road Level Crossing Removals) consists of 3 level crossing removal projects delivered in the Werribee/Hoppers Crossing region. These projects are delivered by the Western Program Alliance to remove the 3 boom gates and increase trains running on the Werribee line. As part of these upgrades to the Werribee line these projects will: 

Cherry Street Level Crossing Removal 

- Remove boom gates at Cherry Street, Werribee. 

- Build a road bridge over the rail line, connecting Tarneit Road and Princess Highway. 

- Construct a well-lit underpass for safe pedestrian and cyclist access to homes and local shops on both sides of the rail line. 

- Upgrade the intersections at Wattle Avenue and Princess Highway, as well as Tarneit Road and Railway Avenue. 

Werribee Street Level Crossing Removal 

- Remove boom gates at Werribee Street, Werribee. 

- Construct a new rail bridge over Werribee Street. 

- Build new on-grade pedestrian access in place of the rail crossing. 

- Develop a new skatepark area, indigenous sculpture, and yarning circle in the undercroft area. 

- Create a new shared use path (SUP) connection north of the new rail overpass. 

- Space-proof for future Fast Rail and ARTC expansion. 

Old Geelong Road Level Crossing Removal 

- Remove boom gates at Old Geelong Road, Hoppers Crossing. 

- Construct a new road bridge over the rail line east of the current crossing, directly linking Princess Highway to Old Geelong Road. 

- Build a new pedestrian overpass to support access to Hoppers Crossing Station. 

- Develop new forecourt areas to the north and south of the pedestrian overpass. 

Rating Highlights 

Category  Credits  Achievements/Risks 
Ecology  Eco-2  The Project achieved a verified level of 3 with a score of 2.25. 

The Project has successfully met the criteria ensuring sustainability in assessment and planning, revegetation efforts and enhancing habitat connectivity. 

  • 2.461 hectares of additional native vegetation were planted, representing a 161% increase compared to the pre-construction phase.  
  • The revegetation efforts were designed to be contiguous, connecting the new patches of vegetation to the existing native vegetation along the river, thus enhancing the ecological corridor and facilitating species movement. 
  • The project’s post-construction habitat connectivity metrics exceeded the benchmark of a 20% improvement, as stipulated by the IS Guidelines. 


Heritage  Her-1  The Project achieved a verified level of 3 with a score of 3.76. 

The project exemplified robust and systematic approaches to integrating community heritage values and minimizing adverse impacts on heritage during construction and operation. Through community feedback, strategic planning, and rigorous implementation of protective measures, the project successfully ensured the sustainability of both historic and Aboriginal cultural heritage. Some measures include: 

  • Cultural Heritage inductions conducted for all personnel involved in ground disturbance works. 
  • No-go zones were established around identified cultural heritage sites to prevent damage.  
  • Contingency plans were implemented for unexpected discoveries, such as the discovery of a bone at Werribee Street, demonstrating adherence to CHMP protocols. 
  • A representative from the RAP (Registered Aboriginal Party) was engaged on-site, ensuring continuous monitoring and adherence to CHMP conditions. 


Urban Landscape and Design  Urb-1  The Project achieved a verified level of 3 with a score of 4.51. 

The project maintained a high standard of urban design and landscape planning by engaging experienced professionals and rigorous review process. The Urban Design Advisory Panel (UDAP), comprising internal and external stakeholders, conducted thorough independent reviews through workshops, monthly meeting, and detailed recommendations. Additionally, Plans and drawings for each site were carefully checked and reviewed to ensure compliance and quality. 

Verified Innovations 

Name   Verification Date  Innovation Type   Description & Sustainability Benefits 
Redeployable Solar  13/09/2023  Innovation Technology and process  The Project received 1 point. 

  • Installed two 40-Kw solar systems in shipping containers, providing renewable energy and reducing reliance on fossil fuels. 
  • Saves approximately 116 tonnes of CO2 and replaces 109,000 kWh of fossil fuel-based electricity annually.  
iSupply  13/09/2023  Innovation Technology and process  The Project received 0.75 points. 

Used at least three products or services listed on the iSupply directory: Bidim Green, Reconophalt, Site Hive 

Bidim Green  13/09/2023  Innovation Technology and process  The Project received 1 point. 

It is a Non-Woven Geotextile, made from Australian recycled polymers/materials. It is known to reduce transport emissions due to the tightly rolled wide rolls. It is installed on Cherry Street, Werribee Street and Old Geelong Road. 

60%SCM  13/09/2023  Market Transformation  The Project received 1 point. 

  • It is a concrete mix with 61% supplementary cementitious material 9SCM) content for 29 out of 69 piles, saving approximately 49.2 tonnes of CO2 compared to standard mixes. 
  • Evolution of the High SCM initiative to include recycled aggregates and geopolymer, strengthening market transformation. 
Guard dog  13/09/2023  Innovation Technology and process 

Australian First 

The Project received 3 points. 

  • It is designed to swiftly install over any drain, allowing rainwater passage while capturing contaminants, aiding in pollution prevention. 
  • It is made from 100% recycled post-consumer waste, contributing to waste diversion from landfills. 
  • It offers durability, reducing maintenance costs compared to conventional options like coir logs or silt socks. 
Reconophalt  13/09/2023  Innovation Technology and process 

Market Transformation 

State First 

The Project received 1 point. 

It incorporates high levels of recycled materials like soft plastics, toner, glass and reclaimed road material and reduces GHG emissions and energy consumption compared to traditional bituminous products. 

It extends pavement life by up to 15% or 3 years, reducing frequency of road resurfacing and material production. 

LPS (Last Planner System)  13/09/2023  Innovation Technology and process 

Australian First 

The Project received 3 points. 

LPS with Touch Plan digital tool enhances project efficiency, reducing stress on subcontractors and community disruptions. It optimizes planning, reduces material wastage and on-site emissions. Additionally, assists subcontractors with better resource allocation, reducing expenses and delays. 

Certification Date



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