M1 Pacific Motorway Upgrade Burleigh to Palm Beach - ISCouncil

M1 Pacific Motorway Upgrade Burleigh to Palm Beach

Project Details

  • Rating Type: Design
  • Location: QLD
  • IS Project manager: Siddharth Bishnoi
  • Stakeholders: Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads ,HDR WSP Joint Venture ,SMA Joint Venture


Burleigh to Palm Beach is Package 3 (out of a total of four Packages of works) within the overarching Varsity Lakes to Tugun Project that is undertaking an IS Program rating. The Project is a road upgrade consisting of interchange upgrades. bridge upgrades and motorway widening including shared user paths.

J202 - M1 Pacific Motorway Upgrade - Varsity Lakes to Tugun 
Package Number  J323  J324  J325 
Package Name  M1 Pacific Motorway Upgrade Varsity Lakes to Burleigh  M1 Pacific Motorway Upgrade Palm Beach to Tugun  M1 Pacific Motorway Upgrade Burleigh to Palm Beach 
Capex ($m)  96.8  270.2  208.2 
Certified Score  81.62  79.11  81.74 
Overall Weighted Average  80.49 
VL2T fauna exclusion shield 2;
VL2T rubbilisation 2;
VL2T rubbilisation 1;
VL2T_Birdwing butterfly vine 2;

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