Undertake the digital training toolkit fully online and at your own pace. Designed for ease of use and maximum efficiency, the digital modules guide you through the intricacies of the IS Essentials rating.
Explore the key considerations of undertaking an IS Essentials rating through 5 digital modules and, on completion, demonstrate your learning through and end of course assessment before accessing your certificate.
The IS Essentials training toolkit provides participants with the necessary skills navigate the IS Rating Portal, apply the IS Essentials Technical Manual, and supporting guidelines to and infrastructure project from initial design through to completed construction.
Learning objectives
- Differentiate between IS Essentials and IS Design & As Built Rating Schemes.
- Describe how project elements impact the Materiality Assessment, including capital bands, types of credits, internal and stakeholder involvement.
- Identify and apply the two IS Essentials project pathways (Base Case and Base Case Lite Option) to demonstrate resource efficiency in various contexts and achieve Wat-1, Ene-1, and Rso-6 credits.
- Compare credit criteria for a selection of IS Essentials and IS v2.1 D&AB credits.
- Describe steps needed to complete the submission process using the digital platform.
Course content
1. Overview of IS Essentials
2. Materiality Assessment
3. Modelling Pathways (No Base Case)
4. Credit Criteria
5. Using the digital IS Rating Tool
End of course assessment
Completion certificate
Supplementary resources
Course structure
Member $150 AUD ex GST
Non-member $210 ex GST
A current ISAP accreditation is required to complete this course
The IS Essentials rating tool and training toolkit have been developed from the IS v2.1 Design & As Built rating tool, and as such, the digital training toolkit assumes IS v2.1 knowledge and experience.
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