Helping business to develop their approach to human rights in line with key international standards including the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, such as assessing their salient human rights risks at a group-wide and operational level; developing risk management plans including designing mitigation measures and grievance mechanisms; and drafting policies including creating stand-alone human rights policies as well as embedding human rights considerations into broader group-wide standards and supplier codes of conduct.
Facilitating more genuine, constructive and sustainable dialogue between all levels of the business and key external stakeholders, including civil society and investors, in both public and private forums, around the business’ general human rights approach; its responses to specific human rights allegations; and opportunities for partnerships to respect and promote human rights in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Assisting business to report on their human rights policies and processes in line with external stakeholders’ expectations and reporting standards including preparing human rights sections for annual reports and sustainability reports; responding to indices and benchmarks; and integrating communication of the business’ approach to human rights risk management into other reporting, including around the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Creating targeted online, virtual and in-person human rights training programmes for a wide range of business representatives from the board to operational levels to raise awareness of the business’ salient human rights risks; why it is so important to manage them; and how the business expects different individuals and departments to help it to prevent and address any involvement in adverse human rights impacts in line with its policies and processes.
Supporting business to respond to mandatory modern slavery reporting requirements in multiple jurisdictions by helping business to design and implement effective modern slavery risk management systems as part of their broader human rights programmes to avoid involvement in modern slavery in practice; preparing modern slavery statements in line with legislation and external expectations; facilitating internal capacity building around modern slavery reporting; and assisting to respond to requests for information from external stakeholders including investors, civil society and business partners.
Assisting governments to support business to meet global and domestic expectations through developing practical, targeted and living guidance for business as well as helping to convene single and multi-stakeholder consultations on key policy and legislative changes. Supporting industry associations to develop tools for their members around human rights risk management as well as engage with key external stakeholders