ENVIROMESH aims to make the construction process simple with high value outcomes through our concrete reinforcement solutions. One of the ways we do this is by offering both standard and custom fibre types and sizes along with custom packaging.
Given our experience within the industry, especially with Local Council Projects, we are uniquely placed to provide fibre systems, support, and engineering design solutions for infrastructure projects of any size and scale. Fibres are used for various infrastructure applications. So, while fibres may not be used in the motorway or bridge, they are used in many of the ancillary applications such as shared use paths (SUPs), walkways, bikeways, footpaths, embankments, ramps etc. Our fibres are ideal for precast and shotcrete applications. We offer design and engineering support for fibre reinforced concrete applications.
Our Macro Synthetic fibres – eMesh, MP47, MPP and SMP65 – are engineered and graded length synthetic fibres which have been specifically developed to provide a higher level of secondary concrete reinforcement. By combining the benefits and performance characteristics of polypropylene fibres, our Macro Synthetic products provide a non-corrosive alternative to steel fibres and mesh reinforcement. Macro Synthetic fibres (MSF) are designed to resist cracking as well as improve toughness and absorb energy. Additional benefits include increased impact and shatter resistance as well as enhanced shear strength and fatigue endurance.
eMesh is a macro synthetic fibre made from 100% recycled plastic which completely replaces virgin plastic fibres or steel reinforcing mesh. eMesh offers up to 90% reduction in CO2 and water required in production as compared to steel mesh. The raw material sourcing, recycling and eMesh fibres manufacturing is done locally in Australia. eMesh fibres are packaged by workers supported by National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). eMesh controls the risk of shrinkage and cracking during both the early and later stages of concrete life. It offers the same level of reinforcement in concrete as non-recycled fibres, but it’s more cost-effective and environmentally friendly. It also makes theconstruction process safer and faster by eliminating need for steel mesh.
ENVIROMESH has a third-party verified and audited Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) for eMesh (100% recycled) and virgin synthetic fibres. ENVIROMESH is a founding member of ISC and MSF.
Video courtesy: Australian Department of Agriculture, Water and Environment
ENVIROMESH Environmental Product Declaration