The Auckland Council is the local government council for the Auckland region in New Zealand. The governing body consists of a mayor and 20 councilors, elected from 13 wards. There are also 149 members of 21 local boards who make decisions on matters local to their communities. It is the largest council in Oceania, governing an area of 5,000km2, with a population of over 1.6m, a $3 billion annual budget, $29 billion of ratepayer equity, and over 9,000 full-time staff. The council began operating on 1 November 2010, combining the functions of the previous regional council and the region’s seven city and district councils into one “super council” or “super city”.
“Joining ISCA as an organisational member was a logical progression after adopting use of the IS Rating Tool on a significant new park development project. Membership also creates opportunities to share and gain knowledge and expertise, at both a professional development and organisational level.”
Mark Bowater – Head of Parks Services, Auckland Council
IS Projects
Scotts Point Park