The ISC Modern Slavery Coalition has kindly compiled a list of general resources on modern Slavery. Click below for further information about this member working group, its impact, and how to get involved.
Title | Author | Overview | |
1. | Global Slavery Index 2023 | Walk Free, International Labour Organization and the International Organization for Migration | Provides detailed information on modern slavery (based on 2021 data), including definitions, statistics, and trends, as well as regional reports and analysis. The Index also includes information about modern slavery risks relating to goods imported into G20 countries. Note this tool is an update of a previous report released in 2018.
2. | CCLA Modern Slavery UK Benchmark | CCLA Investment Management | Benchmarks disclosures under the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 of 96 of the top 100 listed companies in the UK by market capitalisation. Provides recommendations to businesses regarding approaches modern slavery action and reporting. |
3. | Modern Slavery Disclosure Quality: ASX100 Companies Update | Monash Business School | The third report assessing the quality of modern slavery reporting by ASX100 companies covering the third year of reporting under the Australian Modern Slavery Act 2018. |
4. | 2023 Corporate Human Rights Benchmark | World Benchmarking Alliance | Provides annual assessments of large global companies’ human rights performance across key sectors such food and agriculture, apparel, extractives, ICT and automotive manufacturing. The sixth iteration of the benchmark in 2023 covered 110 companies in the apparel and extractives sectors. |
5. | Global Estimates of Modern Slavery: Forced Labour and Forced Marriage 2022 | Walk Free, International Labour Organization and the International Organization for Migration | Provides an estimate of the number of modern slavery victims globally and related statistics. |
6. | Forced Labour Commodity Atlas | Verité | Outlines potential links between key commodities and modern slavery, such as cocoa, cotton and palm oil. |
7. | The Business & Human Rights Resource Centre | The Business & Human Rights Resource Centre | Provides a database of information and resources on human rights issues in the business sector, such as modern slavery, including business responses to allegations. |
8. | Modern Slavery Benchmarking Tool | Stock Exchange of Thailand, Walk Free & Finance Against Slavery and Trafficking | Aims to help businesses assess and address modern slavery risks in their operations and supply chains. It scores the company’s current performance and provides recommendations for improvement. |
9. | The KnowTheChain Benchmark
Humanity United, the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre, Sustainalytics, and Verité | Evaluates and ranks the efforts of over 180 companies in the information and communication technology, apparel, and food and beverage sectors to address modern slavery. Multiple benchmarks may be produced each year. |
10. | Trafficking in Persons Report | The United States Government | Annual report produced by the United States Government which evaluates the efforts taken by governments around the world to address trafficking in persons. |
11. | List of Goods Produced by Child Labor or Forced Labor | The United States Government | Annual report identifying goods identified by the United States Government as having been produced using child labour or forced labour in countries around the world. The list is compiled based on information from government agencies, research organisations, and other sources. |
12. | Responsible Sourcing Tool | Verité and the United States Department of State’s Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons | Aims to help companies assess and address modern slavery risks in their operations and supply chains, including through a risk visualisation tool. |
13. | Guidance on Due Diligence for EU Businesses to Address the Risk of Forced Labour in Their Operations and Supply Chains | European Union | Seeks to assist businesses to take appropriate measures to address the risk of forced labour in their operations and supply chains, in line with international standards. |
14. | Implementing Effective Modern Slavery Grievance Mechanisms: A Guidance Note for Business | UN Global Compact Network Australia | Offers practical guidance to businesses about designing and implementing effective business-led grievance mechanisms to manage modern slavery complaints relating to their operations and supply chains. A related case study guide has also been developed. |
15. | Official Guidance for Reporting Entities under the Australian Modern Slavery Act | Australian Government | Provides detailed guidance about complying with the Australian Modern Slavery Act. Key aspects of the guidance are relevant to all businesses working to manage modern slavery risks (not just those covered by the Australian law). For example, the guidance includes detailed information about assessing and addressing modern slavery risks. |
16. | Sweat and Toil App | United States Government | Provides a starting point for finding information on risks relating to child and forced labour used to produce certain products or in certain countries. |
17. | Tools and Resources for Business on Forced Labour | International Labour Organization | Lists practical resources, tools and normative sources on forced labour. |
18. | Combatting Forced Labour: A Handbook for Employers and Business | International Labour Organization | Provides information on forced labour and human trafficking including how to identify and combat these issues. Includes case studies, checklists for assessing compliance, and guidance and tips for taking action. |
19. | Human Rights and Business Country Guides | National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights, Danish Institute for Human Rights | Provides guidance on business impacts on human rights in the local contexts of nineteen specific countries. |
20. | Global Freedom Status Map | Freedom House | Provides a useful overview of general levels of freedom through a global map. Click through to specific country reports for more detailed information. |
21. | National Action Plan to Combat Modern Slavery | Australian Government | Provides an overview of modern slavery generally and in an Australian context. Sets out the Australian legislative framework relating to modern slavery (including workplace, proceeds of crime, and migration laws). Outlines the Government’s five-year action plan to address modern slavery. |
Title | Author | Overview | |
22. | The UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) | Special Representative of the Secretary-General on the issue
of human rights and transnational corporations and other business enterprises |
The authoritative global standard for managing business impacts on human rights. The Japanese Due Diligence Guidelines and many responsible business laws draw on the UNGPs. |
23. | The Corporate Responsibility to Respect Human Rights: An Interpretive Guide | Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights | Provides further guidance on the application of the UNGPs. |
24. | OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Business Conduct | OECD | Provides practical support to enterprises on the implementation of the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises by providing plain language explanations of its due diligence recommendations and associated provisions. |
25. | Guide on Article 4 of the European Convention on Human Rights: Prohibition of Slavery and Forced Labour | European Court of Human Rights | Provides an analysis and summary of case law from the European Court of Human Rights on Article 4 of the European Convention on Human Rights. Sets out the key principles of the Article and case law relating to them. |
26. | International Labour Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work | International Labour Organization | The text of the ILO’s Declaration including rights and principles endorsed by ILO members. |
Title | Author | Overview | |
27 | Property, Construction and Modern Slavery (2020) | Australian Business and Human Rights Commission, KPMG | Provides an overview of modern slavery risks in the property and construction sector. Provides guidance on how to manage those risks and on reporting under the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth). |
28. | NYU Stern Center for Business & Human RightsConstruction | NYU Stern Center for Business and Human Rights | Provides links to reports, research briefs, trackers, and articles about labour rights and the construction industry. |
29. | Design For Freedom by Grace Farms | Grace Farms, Design for Freedom | Provides data and analysis on slavery in the construction and built environment. |
30. | Design for Freedom Toolkit | Grace Farms, Design for Freedom | Provides information about forced labour risks related to specific materials and about certifications and standards within the construction industry. Gives guidance on commitments and implementation of the Design for Freedom Principles. Includes a supplier questionnaire, a material tracking schedule, and other practical tools. |
31. | Investor Snapshot: Forced Labor in the Construction Sector | Know the Chain | Information for investors on forced labour in the construction sector. Includes an overview of why investors should be concerned, what good practice looks like, what action investors should take, and what construction companies are already doing to address risks. |
32. | Operation Cardinas and Beyond: Addressing Exploitation Risk in the Construction Sector | Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner (UK) | Investigates a major modern slavery case in the construction sector. Seeks to learn what creates modern slavery risks in the sector and how business can address those risks and protect workers. |
33. | Slavery in India’s Brick Kilns & the Payment System: Way Forward in the Fight for Fair Wages, Decent Work and Eradication of Slavery | Anti-Slavery International | Report on debt bondage and child slavery in brick kilns in India. |
34. | Building a Fairer System: Tackling modern slavery in construction supply chains | CIOB | Chartered Institute of Building | Provides an overview of modern slavery in the construction industry. Provides practical guidance on short-, medium- and long-term measures businesses can take to reduce risks to labourers. |
35. | Modern slavery in the construction industry | Buildingtalk | Construction news and building products for specifiers | LexisNexis BIS | Provides an overview of modern slavery in the construction sector. Provides detail on risks related to specific materials and regions. Outlines key ways that construction companies can tackle modern slavery. |
36. | LGA Modern Slavery Assurance Guide: Guidance Relating to Construction Procurement and Modern Slavery Due Diligence | Local Government Association (UK), Action Sustainability, University of Nottingham Rights Lab | Provides information to assist procurement teams to identify and address modern slavery and human rights risks in construction contracts and supply chains. Includes due diligence checklist, sit set up check list, site audit checklist, and practical matters for managing potential victims. Focuses on local authorities in the UK but the information would be applicable to a broader range of businesses. |
37. | Is Construction Taking Slave Labour Seriously? | International Construction | Highlights the risks of modern slavery in the construction sector. Includes a supply chain due diligence check list. |
38. | Are construction companies taking modern slavery seriously? | Constructionline | Provides recommendations for preventing modern slavery in construction supply chains. |
39. | Construction Industry Factsheet, Modern Slavery: A Briefing for the Construction Sector | RESPECT | Provides information on modern slavery in the construction sector. Lists indicators and signs of modern slavery in the sector. |
Title | Author | Overview | |
40. | Infrastructure: Key Human Rights Related Risks | UNEP Finance Initiative | Provides an overview of human rights related risks in the infrastructure sector. Offers a broad overview of human rights risks but includes modern slavery risks, like bonded labour. |
41. | Migrant Work & Employment in the Construction Sector | International Labour Office Geneva | Investigates migrant workers and employment in the international construction sector. Gives an overview of the sector in relation to temporary migrant workers. Discusses risks to workers including trafficking and unfree labour. |
42. | Labour Exploitation in the Australian construction Industry: Risks and Protections for Temporary Migrant Workers | Australian Institute of Criminology | Investigates labour exploitation and slavery of migrant workers in the Australian construction sector. Provides detail on the risks to migrant workers in the sector and protections available to them. |
43. | A Human Rights Primer for Business: Understanding Risks to Construction Workers in the Middle East | Business and Human Rights Resource Centre | Provides detail on key human rights risks to construction workers in the Middle East and their causes. Outlines business’ responsibilities in relation to those human rights. Details the rights of and risks to construction workers in countries within the Middle East. Recommends steps for businesses to address human rights risks. |
44. | Construction & Security Services | RESPECT | Provides research resources on forced labour and human trafficking in the construction and security sectors. |