Matching workforce capacity need with talented refugees – a new solution
Many refugees have valuable skills, but lack professional opportunities. Talent Beyond Boundaries (TBB) is a non profit organisation connecting talented refugees around the world with employers in countries like Australia and New Zealand, and making skilled migration pathways accessible to this hidden talent pool.
Together with local recruitment partner, Refugee Talent, TBB provides a tailored service to ANZ businesses, including shortlisting suitable candidates, facilitating remote interviews and skills validation, and assisting with the visa application and relocation process.
There are currently more than 25,000 registrants on TBB’s ‘Talent Catalog’, including qualified and experienced engineers, trade workers, driving and logistics specialists, and technology professionals.
TBB has enabled hundreds of forcibly displaced people to find safety, security and purpose through international employment opportunities. The result is win-win at every level: for companies, local communities, the global economy, and refugees themselves.