Holcim Virodecs™ – Ready-mix concrete
- Product Type Concrete, Construction Services
- Regions Australia, Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria, Western Australia
- 13 11 88
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- Email evan.smith@holcim.com
- Company Name Holcim (Australia) Pty Ltd
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Holcim Australia is a leading construction materials supplier with a focus on providing sustainable solutions to our customers. This means we take a holistic approach to sustainability, including reducing embodied carbon and water consumption alongside taking a proactive role in advancing the circular economy and supporting biodiversity.
Our ViroDecs™ ready-mix concrete is available as ViroDecs™ General, ViroDecs™ Fly Ash Blend, ViroDecs™ Slag Blend, ViroDecs™ Triple Blend, and ViroDecs™ Special Blend with a lower carbon footprint. ViroDecs™ Triple Blend has up to 57% less CO2-equivalent compared to the Australian National Life Cycle Inventory Database’s (AusLCI) general ready-mix concrete.
The ViroDecs™ ready-mix concrete EPD includes product lifecycle stages from the extraction of the raw materials through to the final product, also known as cradle to gate. Our EPD offers customers transparent and scientifically rigorous information on the life cycle impacts associated with our products, allowing for better decision-making and improved sustainability outcomes. The use of the ViroDecs™ EPD is also rewarded through both ISCA’s Infrastructure Sustainability Scheme and GBCA’s Green Star framework.
Sustainability Outcomes
Materials use credits
Our ViroDecs™ ready-mix concrete products can be supplied with up to 70% supplementary cementitious materials (SCM) content. For concrete-intensive projects, depending on the project’s base case proposal, our products may contribute to achieving up to Level 3 in Mat-1 (v1.2) and Rso-6 (v2.0). Our ViroDecs™ ready-mix concrete EPD is covered by an ISO 14025 and EN 15804 compliant, product-specific EPD. The ViroDecs EPD is a Type III environmental label with a Sustainability Factor of 0.75 under the Mat-2 (v1.2) and Rso-7 (v2.0) credits, which may help our customers to achieve up to Level 3 for these credits depending on the specifics of the project.
Achieve innovation credits
Our ViroDecs™ ready-mix concrete may contribute to the ‘innovative technology or process” innovation credit for being an Australian first for having an EPD for ready-mix concrete. ViroDecs™ ready-mix concrete may assist in the targeting of IC-2 (v2.0) and IC-5 (v1.2) for High Clinker Substitution such as Supplementary Cementitious Material. Lastly, improving on credit benchmarks for the resource use credits is another advantage that ViroDecs™ Concrete may assist with.