Bingo Industries
- Product Type Waste Management and Recycling
- Regions Australia, New South Wales, Victoria
- Chris Gordon 0467 333 440
- Website Visit
- Company Name Bingo Industries
- ISupplier Profile Visit

BINGO Industries is one of Australia’s leading recycling and waste management companies. The company provides end-to-end solutions across the waste management supply chain including collection, processing, separation and recycling. BINGO is a leader in the Building & Demolition (B&D) waste collection and processing sector. This includes demolition and construction of major infrastructure projects, and residential and commercial building projects throughout NSW and Victoria.
The company also has an expanding presence in the Commercial & Industrial (C&I) waste management sector, predominantly from commercial businesses, individual sites and government and education facilities. BINGO is focused on the diversion of waste from landfill through a recycling-led solution, investment in technology, and through continuous innovation to enhance sustainability outcomes.
Sustainability Outcomes
Engaging BINGO to provide recycling and waste management services for your project may help your project to improve resource efficiency and divert waste from landfill. BINGO may be able help your project achieve Resource Efficiency and Sustainable Procurement credits under ISv2.0 and Waste, Land and Procurement and Purchasing credits in ISv1.2, including:
-Rso-1 L3 BINGO can work with your project to identify resource efficiency options early on to include in your Resource Efficiency Strategy.
-Rso-2, Lan-3 and Rso-3 BINGO specialises in the disposal of contaminated soils and the supply of clean soils for any size project. BINGO can work with your project to manage identified contamination and Acid Sulfate Soils on your site.
– Rso-4 L3 and Was-2 L3 BINGO can work with your project to develop innovative resource output solutions (ISv2.0 L3.1 Rso-4) resulting is large diversion rates. In addition, BINGO can help you to achieve L3 in ISv1.2 by diverting soil, inert, non-hazardous and office waste from landfill.
Spr and Pro – At BINGO, our success is inextricably linked to sustainability. BINGO’s strategic intent is the diversion of waste from landfill through: a recycling-led solution; investment in technology, and; continuous innovation to enhance sustainability outcomes and maximise returns. Through investing in recycling and waste management infrastructure, we assist our customers, governments and communities to move toward a truly circular economy, by closing the resources loop.
BINGO will work with your project to achieve credits under the ISv2.0 Sustainable Procurement category and the ISv1.2 Procurement and Purchasing category.
Applicable Credits
IS v1.2 | Lan-3 , Mat-1 , Pro-1 , Pro-2 , Pro-3 , Pro-4 |