IS Learning

Grow your organisation’s sustainability skill sets or begin a personal development journey with IS Learn.

Whether you have sustainability responsibilities, are looking to enter the profession or are interested in exploring what sustainability can do for your organisation, our growing suite of learning programmes offers you  a range of options to suit different learning styles.

Our Courses

IS Planning

This course will provide participants with the necessary skills to apply the IS Planning Technical Manual and supporting Guidelines from initial problem identification through to procurement for design and construction.

IS for Operations

At the end of this course participants will be equipped to implement, assess and submit evidence to achieve an IS Operations Rating. This course leads to accreditation as an infrastructure sustainability professional (ISAP).

IS v1.2 D&AB Accreditation

This is a STANDARD course within the IS for Professionals Pathway. IS Rating Skills (core) must be completed prior to this course.

IS for Executives

The IS for Executives workshop is a comprehensive program designed to equip senior leaders with the expertise and tools to integrate sustainability into their business strategy.

Leading Culture Change

Learn how to drive positive sustainability outcomes, by developing the ability to implement culture change principles and toolkits within your organisation with Leading Culture Change.

IS for Suppliers

IS for Suppliers has been developed alongside industry to assist in closing the gap in IS knowledge and understanding between Suppliers, procurement divisions and the design/build team.

Training Terms & Conditions

Click below to view the full training terms and conditions.

Training Terms & Conditions Training enquiries

NEW IS for Professionals Pathway​

The NEW IS for Professionals pathway is an evolution of the current course with modularised options to make learning flexible and upskilling seamless.​

The diagram below represents this flexible learning pathway. ​

Core modules are a mandatory prerequisite to Standard modules. ​

Following the registration for, or completion of Core modules, Standard modules can be completed individually or purchased together.


Practical knowledge

IS learning is informative, collaborative and based on  high performance behaviours. This ensures participants are not passive but are learning using practical techniques developed and applied in industry. The result? Participants leave with a usable skillset and can apply and share their knowledge and skills with others.



Learn using programmes based on best practice instructional design and our globally recognised sustainability rating scheme. Our facilitators have a long-term commitment to sustainable practices and practical experience.

Silhouette of business people work together in office. Concept of teamwork and partnership. double exposure with network effects;

Public courses

Learn with your industry colleagues – and from them. We schedule public courses regularly throughout the year. They are currently available in Australia and New Zealand. We update our courses  continually to ensure our content stays current and in line with sustainability best practice. All courses  are easily accessible via our convenient online booking platform.


In-house progammes

Learn with topics and projects that best suit your organisation. The IS Council delivers customised in-house learning for organisations at a location and time that suits you.

In-house progammes provide an environment where your organisation can explore project- specific topics confidentially. They let you design content to suit your business objectives and learning stage(s), so you can be confident that your team’s learning is targeted and effective.



I believe this course (IS Training for Professionals), is essential for others looking to work in the sustainability space in relation to infrastructure. I am currently at Graduate level in my career and believe this course will assist in taking my career in the right direction.

Meisha Ellis, March 2021

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