ISupply Directory - ISCouncil

Infrastructure Sustainability Advisory, IS Rating Management and Independent Auditor Services

WSP is one of the leading engineering professional services consulting firms, with a multi-sector sustainability team of over 50 sustainability professionals operating across Australia and New Zealand. We support our clients’ projects in the prepar...
Credits: Cli-1 , Cli-2 , Man-2 , Man-3 , Man-4 , Man-5 , Man-6 , Man-7


APS are currently introducing a new product called the Instagrid ONE to the Australian market. This unit is designed to replace 2-8kVA petrol & diesel generators for temporary power. With the Instagrid, you are essentially taking a 240V wall sock...
Credits: Dis-2 , Dis-3 , Dis-4 , Ene-1 , Ene-1 , Ene-2 , Ene-2 , Env-2 , Env-3 , Env-4 , Inn-1 , Inn-1

Iplex Pipelines

iplex Pipelines is the largest Australian owned and operated pipe and fittings manufacturing businesses in Australia with manufacturing and distribution capabilities in all States as well as New Zealand. We recognise the importance of water infrastru...
Credits: Mat-1 , Mat-2

IS Rating Project Management

Use our award winning, simple and cost effective management system to manage your IS Rating. Organisations often say they want to be sustainable but have a hard time demonstrating it. Well what we do is support organisations to take an ordered approa...
Credits: Man-1 , Man-2 , Man-3 , Man-4 , Man-5 , Man-6 , Man-7

LCA & EPD Development experts

start2see are the experts in life cycle assessment (LCA) for the building and construction sector in Australia. start2see’s founding director, Rob Rouwette, has been doing LCAs and Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) since 1999. In these ...
Credits: Inn-1 , Inn-1 , Inn-1 , Mat-1 , Mat-2 , Rso-6 , Rso-7

Life-cycle assessment for buildings, materials and infrastructure

One Click LCA project-level software and tools help you perform Life Cycle Assessment, Life Cycle Costing, Environmental Product Declaration, design low-carbon and more circular projects, and achieve green building certifications.
Credits: Inn-1 , Inn-1 , Mat-1 , Rso-6

LocAl Lower Carbon Aluminium

LocAl Aluminium is locally extruded lower-carbon aluminium for your projects in construction, engineering, marine, transport, defence, renewable energy and general fabrication industries.
Credits: Inn-1 , Inn-1 , Mat-1 , Rso-6

Makinex Hybrid Power System

The Makinex Hybrid Power System (HPS) is a fully integrated power supply which includes solar array, battery and backup generator all in the one deployable solution. The product range includes – HPS15, 15kVA Single-phase – HPS20, 20kVA 3-...
Credits: Ene-1 , Ene-1 , Ene-2 , Ene-2 , Inn-1 , Inn-1

Malo Infrastructure Sustainability Leadership and Advisory

Sustainability advisory
Credits: Cli-1 , Cli-2 , Ene-1 , Ene-2 , Lea-1 , Man-3 , Man-4 , Mat-1 , Res-1 , Res-2 , Rso-6 , Wat-1 , Wat-2

matX – Goods and Material Exchange

matX is helping the construction and demolition sector to: * salvage value from stockpiled or surplus material * extract or deconstruct assets for reuse instead of waste * succession plan for temporary works resources * procure cheaper material * evi...
Credits: Inn-1 , Rso-1 , Rso-4 , Was-1 , Was-2

Megaflo® Green

Megaflo® Green is 100% Australian made with locally sourced recycled polymer. Megaflo® Green panel drain provides the dimensional stability and field-proven structural strength for quick, effective subsurface drainage. Megaflo® Green consists of a...
Credits: Cli-1 , Ene-1 , Inn-1 , Lan-3 , Mat-1 , Pro-2 , Pro-3 , Was-3


The Mutu platform allows sites within an organisation to quickly list and share surplus resources. Straight from your phone on site you can all the resources available across your business.
Credits: Inn-1 , Inn-1 , Man-5 , Mat-1 , Pro-1 , Rso-1 , Rso-4 , Rso-6 , Spr-1 , Was-1 , Was-2


PlastiPhalt® is an innovative, environmentally-friendly asphalt pavement containing recycled waste plastic. Unlike other asphalts modified with recycled plastics, PlastiPhalt® uses specially selected polymers which are fully incorporated into the b...
Credits: Mat-1 , Pro-2

Porous Lane Permeable Pavement

Porous Lane is a high-performance permeable pavement made from up to 50% post-consumer tyre aggregate that can provide multi-faceted sustainability benefits to projects. The material is trafficable by vehicles (with higher compressive strength than a...
Credits: Cli-2 , Dis-1 , Env-1 , Inn-1 , Inn-1 , Lan-2 , Lan-4 , Mat-1 , Mat-2 , Res-1 , Wat-1 , Wat-1 , Wat-2 , Wat-2

PowerCrate (Standalone Hybrid Power)

PowerCrate® is a turnkey hybrid renewable energy-based SAPS from Powerhouse Wind, with 6kW of rated solar and wind generation. With the 2kW wind turbine able to generate energy also during night and on overcast days, PowerCrate increases green energ...
Credits: Ene-1 , Ene-1 , Ene-2 , Ene-2 , Inn-1 , Inn-1 , Inn-1 , Inn-1


The POWRBANK MAX is a high quality, transportable battery energy storage system that offers a cleaner, smarter, quieter and more cost-effective alternative to diesel generators for your temporary power needs. The MAX is a fully self-contained, modula...
Credits: Dis-2 , Dis-4 , Ene-1 , Ene-1 , Ene-2 , Ene-2 , Env-2 , Env-4 , Inn-1 , Inn-1

Precast concrete panels

Kullcorp Precast is a start-up business that has patented a unique method of producing 40mPa precast concrete panels, whilst using up to 70% less cement than current methods. Kullcorp Precast panels feature a natural riverstone exposed aggregate fini...
Credits: Inn-1 , Mat-1 , Mat-2

Project Communications

Our competitive project communications services are designed to remove the anxiety of engaging with stakeholders on civil and building construction projects. We have extensive experience delivering excellent project communications outcomes and forgin...
Credits: Hea-1 , Hea-2 , Sta-1 , Sta-1 , Sta-2 , Sta-2 , Sta-3 , Sta-4

Reconophalt™: An innovative asphalt product that contains a combination of soft plastics, toner, recycled asphalt and glass

At Downer, our customers are at the heart of everything we do. Our Purpose is to create and sustain the modern environment by building trusted relationships with our customers. Our Promise is to work closely with our customers to help them succeed, u...
Credits: Inn-1 , Inn-1 , Mat-1 , Mat-2 , Rso-6 , Rso-7

Recycled Crushed Concrete

Recycled Crushed Concrete roading aggregates available as Auckland Transport Approved; AP65 Sub-base, AP40 Basecourse, Auckland Council AP20 or AP10 bedding materials.
Credits: Mat-2 , Rso-5

Recycled Silt Sock

The Stratex Recycled Silt Sock is made from 100% recycled materials. It’s made using temporary banner mesh and reclaimed aggregate from our civil construction partners, disrupting the landfill waste stream. Silt socks provide a simple yet effective...
Credits: Dis-1 , Env-1 , Inn-1 , Inn-1

Regulated road signage

Digitally printed and manufactured regulated road signage 
Credits: Inn-1 , Inn-1 , Mat-1 , Rso-4 , Rso-6 , Was-2

Reinforcing Bar and Mesh, Wire and Structural Steel products

InfraBuild manufactures a range of structural steel, reinforcing bar and mesh, structural steel and wire products via our InfraBuild Mills. InfraBuild‘s two Electric Arc Furnace Mills, in Laverton (Melbourne) and Rooty Hill (Sydney) utilise scr...
Credits: Inn-1 , Inn-1 , Mat-1 , Mat-2 , Rso-6 , Rso-7

Renewable Energy Generation, Distribution and Monitoring Plant and Equipment

Djookian provides renewable energy solutions designed to replace diesel applications. The Purple Pod is a compact hybrid energy unit designed to replace diesel generators up to 45kva. An all in one, compact renewable solution, the Purple Pod includes...
Credits: Ene-1 , Ene-1 , Ene-2 , Ene-2 , Inn-1 , Inn-1 , Wfs-4

RePoly RF47 100% Recycled Macro Synthetic Fibres

RePoly is an innovative solution for sustainable construction, offering recycled fibre reinforcement as a replacement for traditional steel reinforcement. Made entirely from 100% recycled plastic, RePoly plays a crucial role in the circular economy b...
Credits: Inn-1 , Inn-1 , Mat-1 , Mat-2 , Rso-6 , Rso-7

Resilience and Climate Change Risk Assessment

Arup has extensive experience undertaking climate change risk assessments for built assets, identifying risks and selecting treatments in collaboration with relevant stakeholders. Arup addresses the requirements of the Resilience (Res 1) credit throu...
Credits: Cli-1 , Cli-2

Resilience and Climate Risk Assessment

Mott MacDonald are specialists in sustainable design, construction and management, addressing whole-life costs and environmental and social opportunities from a truly multidisciplinary standpoint. As an engineering, management and development consult...
Credits: Cli-1 , Cli-2


Our work is founded on a strong understanding of natural system ecology and an appreciation of the complex interactions and impacts that infrastructure and built form have on them. We use this scientific foundation to successfully deliver climate cha...
Credits: Cli-1 , Cli-2 , Inn-1 , Inn-1 , Lea-2 , Res-1 , Res-2

Resource Efficiency Strategies, Action Plans and External Waste Audits

Green Business HQ provides external support for the development of project Resource Efficiency Strategies (RES), Resource Efficiency Action Plans (REAPS) and conducts independent external Waste Audits (resource output data and systems). In 2019 Green...
Credits: Was-1 , Was-2 , Was-3

Resource Use Reduction

Arup has extensive experience developing base cases for the using resources credits, including materials, energy and water assessments.
Credits: Ene-1 , Ene-2 , Mat-1 , Mat-2 , Wat-1 , Wat-2