ISCA Brisbane Launch of IS Rating Tool Version 2.0
ISCA Brisbane Launch of IS Rating Tool Version 2.0
ISCA’s Brisbane community of infrastructure professionals came together on 28 June to celebrate the launch of ISCA’s version 2.0 of its rating tool, which has been developed in collaboration with industry across Australia.
The collaborative efforts of ISCA’s members and 103 industry representatives towards the development of version 2.0 received special mention from ISCA’s General Manager Infrastructure Innovation Nicola Boyd, “Of the 9,670 hours taken to develop version 2.0, 2,000 hours of those hours were in kind from 154 people and 103 organisations.”
The purpose of the event was to highlight the key changes in version 2.0, the additional sustainability benefits and how the new rating award levels of bronze, silver, gold, platinum and diamond compare to the previous ratings of commended, excellent and leading.
Key changes to the Infrastructure Sustainability (IS) rating tool version 2.0 are:
- the introduction of a new voluntary planning rating;
- credits written for each phase of the infrastructure lifecycle;
- more clearly defined criterion and ‘must’ statements in the technical manual;
- an expert verification process; and
- both new and updated categories and credits.
Projects that utilise IS version 2.0 will achieve greater sustainability outcomes as version 2.0 has been developed in alignment the UN Sustainable Development Goals. These outcomes include infrastructure planned and delivered to solve a societal problem, greater social returns through-out the supply chain and increased transparency.
Attendees at the launch also learnt of the IS Supply program, which will be managed by Ms Boyd. This new service will match suppliers with projects and is free for ISCA members.
The launch was also an opportunity for participants to register their interest for IS version 2.0 training including an ISAP update webinar (free for all ISAP’s) in August and category specific webinars (IS v2.0 unwrapped) and training, which is now available.
ISCA would like to thank Mr David Jackson, from Queensland Treasury for presenting at the event and the Queensland Government for generously hosting the event at their Albert Street offices in Brisbane’s CBD.
By Marie-Louise ter Beek