IS v2.1 Design & As-Built Rating Tool & Verification Workplans in 2025
Wednesday, 15 January 2025
15 January 2025 – Update
Over the past year ISC has sought and received extensive feedback across all our activities, particularly in relation to the v2.1 Design and As-Built Rating, and our Verification processes more generally. This feedback has been collated through individual workshops, interactions with projects, annual feedback survey, high level meetings, CEO workshops and others. ISC would like to thank everyone for their time and insights. This has enabled us to consider how we are working with our stakeholders to ensure we are achieving our purpose. In response to the feedback, we have identified key areas for improvement and we have developed detailed workplans and proposals that we will be bringing to market over the coming months.
Positively, we heard that the market continues to see value in the role that the ISC and the IS Ratings tools play in driving sustainability outcomes across Australia and New Zealand. This was balanced by feedback regarding the v2.1 Rating Tool that highlighted concerns around a misalignment between the assessment of processes versus outcomes; the administrative burden associated with delivering an IS Rating, and questions about perceived value for money in application of an IS Rating. In addition, issues were raised regarding verification process and outcomes, including inconsistency of verification; extended timeframes; and inflexibility of verification approach.
In response to this feedback from our members and stakeholders, we have two key streams of work. They are:
– Updates to v2.1 Rating tool
– Verification process updates
As these streams of work progress, we will provide regular updates on outcomes through our communication channels, including ISC newsletter and direct mail. We will seek additional contributions on the implementation of the workplan items through targeted stakeholder engagement at particular project phases. The first phase of implementation stakeholder consultation will commence in February 2025.
As valued members and stakeholders of the ISC, we look forward to engaging with you collaboratively and ensuring that our tools and processes are up to date and fit for purpose.