Moorebank Logistics Park As-Built
NSW / As Built
The Moorebank Logistics Park is a vital piece of infrastructure for Australia and NSW that will transform the way containerised freight moves through Port Botany and deliver a faster, simpler, and more cost-effective service. When completed, the Moorebank facility will move 1.5 million shipping containers annually by rail instead of road, taking 2,700 heavy truck movements off Sydney’s roads each day and reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 110,000 tonnes every year. It will also feature Australia’s largest purpose-built warehouse and distribution precinct serviced by the latest automated technology which will see driverless shuttle carriers collect and transport containers around the precinct to be processed, unpacked and stored on site or distributed in smaller consignments. This facility is an integral component of the Freight, Ports and Transport strategies of both the Commonwealth and NSW governments to help manage the challenges of an expected tripling of freight volumes at Port Botany by 2031. Moorebank Logistics Park will streamline the freight logistics supply chain from ports to store, deliver savings to businesses and consumers, and help service the rapidly growing demand for imported goods in south-west Sydney.
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