- Product Type Consultancy
- Ljiljana Pantelic (08) 9227 9355
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- Email info@syrinx.net.au
- Company Name Syrinx Environmental Pty Ltd
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Our team consists of highly skilled botanists, ecologists, environmental scientists, and microbiologists with extensive experience in the ecological and biodiversity sphere, from guidance and advisory services to on-ground field surveys and assessment. Our services include characterisation of receiving water environments and evaluation of impacts of infrastructure projects on ecological health and functioning of aquatic systems.
We have successfully delivered numerous projects in highly complex and sensitive ecologically locations and have expertise in natural and disturbed ecosystems, in arid, semi-arid, and temperate environments and in wetland, estuarine, riverine and terrestrial ecosystems.
Our expertise in systems ecology, plant physiology and nature-based systems also underpins our green infrastructure planning and delivery projects.
Relevant to the IS framework, our ecology and biodiversity team offers a broad range of services including:
– Vegetation and flora and fauna surveys
– Environmental / ecological Impact Assessments
– Biodiversity strategies and mapping, biodiversity management plans and biodiversity offset assessments
– Restoration and rehabilitation strategies and plans
– Wetland ecology assessments and restoration planning
– Developed completion criteria and plans for restoration and protection of biodiversity and geodiversity values
– Biodiversity enhancement & ecological corridor planning and restoration
– Baseline monitoring – collection, analysis and interpretation of water, plant, soil, and sediment data, habitat impact assessment
Sustainability Outcomes
Syrinx’s focus is always on the protection, repair and enhancement of natural systems as part of a holistic solution aimed at creating lasting resilience and minimising risks and the need for long-term intervention. Enhancement of ecological values via habitat restoration, biodiversity enhancement and/or improved connectivity is a major objective that we aim to achieve on all our projects.
Our work is founded in our deep understanding and experience with complex natural systems and our in-house collaboration with other disciplines, including environmental engineers, landscape architects and designers.
Our environmental and ecological services aim to support clients to achieve credits within the Environmental and Ecology category within ISv2.0 Env-1, Eco-1, Eco-2, ( ISv1.2 Dis-1, Eco-1, Eco-2). Work that we can provide in these categories also informs development of green infrastructure strategies, which are a requirement under ISv2.0 Gre-1.
Applicable Credits
IS v1.2 | Dis-1 , Eco-1 , Inn-1 |
IS v2.1 | Eco-1 , Env-1 , Inn-1 , Rso-1 , Rso-2 , Rso-3 |
Dis-1 (ISv1.2) | Receiving water quality - To reward the management of impacts on local receiving water quality | Syrinx’s services include characterisation of receiving water environments and evaluation of impacts of infrastructure projects on ecological health and functioning of aquatic systems. Syrinx undertakes wetland ecology assessments, restoration planning and baseline monitoring, including collection, analysis and interpretation of local receiving water quality. |
Eco-1 (ISv1.2) | Ecological value - To reward maintenance or enhancement of ecological value | The Syrinx team consists of highly skilled botanists, ecologists, environmental scientists, environmental engineers and microbiologists with extensive experience in the ecological and biodiversity sphere, from guidance and advisory services to on-ground field surveys and assessment. We have successfully delivered numerous projects in highly complex and sensitive ecologically locations and have expertise in natural and disturbed ecosystems, in arid, semi-arid, and temperate environments and in wetland, estuarine, riverine and terrestrial ecosystems. Our expertise in systems ecology, plant physiology and nature-based systems also underpins our green infrastructure planning, delivery and maintenance of projects. Syrinx’s focus is always on the protection, repair and enhancement of natural systems as part of an holistic solution aimed at creating lasting resilience and minimising risks and the need for long-term intervention. Enhancement of ecological values via habitat restoration, land remediation, biodiversity enhancement and/or improved connectivity is a major objective that we aim to achieve on all our projects. Our work is founded in our deep understanding and experience with complex natural systems and our in-house collaboration with multiple disciplines, including environmental engineers, landscape architects and designers. Our expertise within these categories informs the further development of green infrastructure strategies and positive circular economy outcomes. |
Eco-1 (ISv2.1) | Ecological Protection and Enhancement - To identify, protect and enhance Infrastructure Project ecological value | Syrinx provides services that identify, protect and enhance ecological value to infrastructure projects. Our ecology and biodiversity team offers a broad range of services including: Vegetation and flora and fauna surveys - Environmental / ecological Impact Assessments - Biodiversity strategies and mapping, biodiversity management plans and biodiversity offset assessments - Restoration and rehabilitation strategies and plans - Wetland ecology assessments and restoration planning Developed completion criteria and plans for restoration and protection of biodiversity and geodiversity values - Biodiversity enhancement & ecological corridor planning and restoration - Baseline monitoring, collection, analysis and interpretation of water, plant, soil, and sediment data, habitat impact assessment Our expertise in systems ecology, plant physiology and nature-based systems underpins our green infrastructure planning and delivery projects in sensitive arid, semi-arid, and temperate environments and in wetland, estuarine, riverine and terrestrial ecosystems. Syrinx’s creates lasting resilience and enhances ecological value by restoring habitat, remediating land, enhancing biodiversity and improving connectivity in our projects. Our work is founded in our deep understanding and experience with complex natural systems and our in-house collaboration with multiple disciplines, including ecologists, botanists, environmental engineers, landscape architects and designers. |
Env-1 (ISv2.1) | Receiving Water Quality - To maintain or improve the environmental quality of local streams, rivers and water bodies | Syrinx’s services include characterisation of receiving water environments and evaluation of impacts of infrastructure projects on the functioning of aquatic systems. Syrinx’s projects focus on improving the environmental quality of these aquatic systems, including waterways (streams, rivers and other water bodies) and incorporating water sensitive design. Syrinx has completed several successful projects to reduce riverbank erosion, restore wetlands and foreshores to improve the associated environmental quality. |
Rso-1 (ISv2.1) | Resource Strategy Development - To identify, implement and manage resource efficiency expectations for each phase of the infrastructure life cycle and to achieve positive circular economy outcomes for the Infrastructure Project | At Syrinx our focus rests on the protection, repair and enhancement of natural systems as part of holistic project solutions. We create lasting resilience, minimising risks and removing the need for long-term intervention. Throughout this process, we look for ways to increase resource efficiencies and keep wastage to an absolute minimum. This includes incorporating circular economy principles throughout each stage of our projects, from planning to design and construction to beyond; we assess materials, financial implications and skills requirements across the lifecycle of our projects. In this way we maximise resource efficiency to achieve circular economy outcomes for our projects. |
Rso-2 (ISv2.1) | Management of Contaminated Material - To eliminate or control risks to people and the environment from contaminated material and to maximise use of sustainable remediation options for the management of such material | Syrinx’s team comprises of highly skilled botanists, ecologists, environmental scientists, environmental engineers, landscape architects, designers and microbiologists, who form a multi-disciplinary team to deliver projects across Australia, New Zealand and beyond. Our team hold extensive experience in land and waterway restoration, remediation and biodiversity projects. When possible our team designs out waste using circular economy principles, but this is not always possible. There are some instances where our projects include planning for and eliminating or controlling the risks associated with management and safe disposal of contaminated materials. We aim to incorporate sustainable remediation practices, however, if this is not practical, we plan for and execute safe management and disposal of these materials. |
Rso-3 (ISv2.1) | Management of Acid Sulfate Soil - To minimise adverse impacts on people and the environment when addressing the risks associated with acid sulfate soils. | Our team at Syrinx are expert at minimising the adverse effects of acid sulfate soils, having successfully completed many different projects where acid sulfate soils have been remediated and the acidity substantially reduced or neutralised – especially in the sandy Western Australian soil conditions and in areas that were historically dense with Banksias. Our team is expert in erosion control, assessing and monitoring soil health, controlling excessive drainage, creating living streams, reducing/neutralising acidity, carefully selecting native plants capable of tolerating these soils, pH buffering and overseeing acid sulfate soils through long-term management to ensure our projects are regulation compliant. |
Inn-1 (IS v1.2) | Contributes to Innovation Challenge 8: Sustainable Suppliers and ISupply. | |
Inn-1 (Isv2.1) | Contributes to Innovation Challenge 4: Sustainable Suppliers and ISupply. |