Warm Mix Asphalt
- Product Type Asphalt and Bitumen
- Rory Bracken 03 9340 6335
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- Email info@fultonhogan.com.au
- Company Name Fulton Hogan
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Warm Mix Asphalt is a sustainable alternative to traditional Hot Mix Asphalt. Traditionally, asphalt is produced at temperatures around 160-180ºC to optimise the coating of aggregate with bitumen and to enhance the workability of the mix. However using latest technology, Warm Mix Asphalt is produced and laid at a lower temperature range from 110-140ºC, and has the same effectiveness as traditional asphalt products.
Sustainability Outcomes
International research conducted over the last decade has identified that Warm Mix Asphalt is equally as effective in creating asphalt pavements as Hot Mix Asphalt and boasts the additional environmental benefits in its production and management and increased safety
for crews handling the asphalt.
By reducing the temperature that asphalt is produced, there are:
• Energy savings of around 30%
• reduced greenhouse gas emission by up to 30%
• 50-60% reduction in dust emissions
• Increased range of transportation
• Reduction in plant emissions during loading and transportation
• Safer working environment for asphalt crews through reduced fumes, heat and emissions
• Improved field compaction which can facilitate an extension of the paving season.
In Australia and New Zealand, Fulton Hogan has been conducting Warm Mix Asphalt trials over the last 10 years and the results have already indicated excellent performance in service levels
Applicable Credits
IS v1.2 | Dis-1 , Ene-1 , Mat-1 , Pro-1 , Wat-1 |