World Environment Day | Knowledge Sharing
World Environment Day | Knowledge Sharing
In recognition of an aspiration to move beyond compliance to environmental leadership, VicRoads and ISCA co-hosted a World Environment Day Event on the 5th June 2017. The focus was on knowledge sharing, with over 50 attendees from across government transport agencies, contractors, consultants, VicRoads and other ISCA members.
VicRoads CEO John Merritt welcomed the audience with a message that the community expects an organisation the size of VicRoads to be an environmental leader. Deputy Chief Executive Peter Todd echoed the message that we must strive to lead best practice in environmental achievement wherever we practically can, and that ISCA accreditation is a tool to help VicRoads push itself and measure its progress across the broad domain of sustainability.
The day also contained a keynote presentation from the Victorian Commissioner for Environmental Sustainability Dr Gillian Sparkes, who challenged organisations who develop and deliver infrastructure to think hard about how they can be effective environmental stewards. This was delivered in tandem with a stunning presentation from the Chief Conservation Scientist for Parks Victoria Dr Mark Norman, who showed the audience some of the world we are setting out to protect, with a spectacular marine tour of Port Phillip Bay.
Another memorable event for the day was the launch of the Metro Tunnel Living Infrastructure Plan – a comprehensive example of how an infrastructure project can also deliver legacy benefits for the community.
Special thanks also to Knoxbrook for setting up a native plant stall for the event, answering questions and their generosity in making succulents available for people to take home.