Battery Energy Storage Systems – ISCouncil

Battery Energy Storage Systems


  • Product Type Plant and Equipment
  • Regions Auckland, Australian Capital Territory, Christchurch, Dunedin, Hamilton, Lower Hutt, Napier & Hastings, Nelson, New Plymouth, New South Wales, Northern Territory, Palmerston North, Queensland, Queenstown, Rotorua, South Australia, Tasmania, Tauranga, Victoria, Wellington, Western Australia



  • Company Name Aggreko
  • ISupplier Profile Visit


Our fully integrated, plug-and-play battery energy storage solutions (BESS) range from 30 kVA to 1MW, and suit a wide range of industrial and commercial energy storage applications. They ensure maximum system effectiveness and efficiency. They have been optimised across every component to deliver optimal system performance, minimise operating costs and shrink your carbon footprint. Our energy storage systems are compatible with storing energy from renewable sources, making them an ideal solution if you want to reduce fuel consumption of a diesel generator, add reliability to a hybrid system or microgrid, or to simply optimise your business case through smart energy management – our solutions are at your service!

Sustainability Outcomes

Cost savings: Battery storage systems can help commercial and industrial customers save money on their energy bills by reducing peak demand charges and by reducing diesel fuel consumption if operating off grid. Increased reliability: Battery storage systems can provide backup power during outages or other interruptions in the grid, ensuring that critical operations can continue uninterrupted. Reduced emissions: When paired with generators and / or integrated with renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power, batteries contribute to reducing usage of fossil fuels and lowering greenhouse gas emissions. Improved grid stability: Utilising battery storage can help stabilise the grid by reducing fluctuations in supply and demand, reducing the need for expensive upgrades to the grid infrastructure.

Applicable Credits

IS v1.2 Dis-2 , Dis-4
IS v2.1 Ene-1
Dis-2 (ISv1.2) BESS delivers zero noise and is ideal for use in residential areas, at night, during filmmaking, and anywhere noise is a concern.
Dis-4 (ISv1.2) Using BESS reduces generator fuel usage and pollution, improving air quality on site.
Ene-1 (ISv2.1) Combining BESS with conventional power generation reduces fuel usage, carbon emissions and improves energy efficiency.

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