RISE Leadership Program: A Mentee's Career Story - ISCouncil

RISE Leadership Program: A Mentee’s Career Story

Wednesday, 25 September 2024

An ambitious journalist turned sustainability professional  

Szeto Yan Weng left high school in Malaysia with the ambition to become a journalist. “I wanted to write for the business section of a newspaper – my idea was to write about business in an entertaining and simplified manner to appeal to the everyday reader.”  

He knew he wanted a break from studying, so headed straight into employment taking up an opportunity at a national newspaper. However, Weng quickly realised that a career in journalism wasn’t for him.  

Following his father’s advice, to enrol in a university course.  Exploring his options, a  Bachelor of Economics featuring a student exchange program to Portland, Oregon, USA, caught his eye..   

Weng spent the final two years of his degree studying at Portland State University. “Living in Portland as a student was such a memorable time of my life – it shaped my future.” 

A career inspired by nature 

Weng had always been an environmentally conscious person, however, a career in sustainability wasn’t on his radar until he was in Portland. “I was really inspired by Oregon’s natural beauty, and the people of Oregon are very environmentally conscious. I was drawn in!”  

In his final year of study, the link between the environment and economics piqued his interest and Weng knew he wanted to pursue a career in sustainability. “I saw the environment as an entity with no voice to negotiate with its users, and I wanted to have a positive impact.”  

Once Weng finished his degree, he found it difficult to get a job in Portland. Disappointed, he found himself back in Malaysia where he landed a job at one of the top four accounting firms as a research analyst, which he openly admits was not the role for him. Facing an unexpected turn of events and unsure of what to do next, Weng’s father encouraged him to enrol in a Master’s course to specialise. 

“I knew what I wanted to do, so it wasn’t too long before I enrolled in a Master’s in Environmental and Resource Economics in Canberra, and after completing my masters, I was determined to find a job in Sydney.”   

Securing a job in Sydney was again another challenge for Weng, however, his luck changed when he discovered that Gamuda, a Malaysian Engineering company, was being set up in Australia. “I was able to get my foot in the door at Gamuda through my Malaysian contacts.”  

Leadership is a journey defined by the opportunities you take   

Weng learned early on that sustainability, like economics, is a broad and often complex topic. He was able to apply his ability to simplify complex topics, to persuade and influence key stakeholders.  

“I really enjoy being able to use my environmental economic knowledge and apply the principles of science communication to achieve desired outcomes. Some people can profit from providing misinformation, whereas my value is being able to comprehend and deliver information on technical topics.” 

 Weng was honoured to be offered the role of Sustainability Representative on the Coffs Harbour Bypass project which saw him responsible for delivering key sustainability outcomes for the project. “It’s a big deal and a cool project. I’m proud to be part of it, and I appreciate the trust given to me by the team, and especially the client.” 

Weng embraced every opportunity that came his way, always looking for ways to add value and tackle new challenges. This proactive approach led him to an early career opportunity where he was entrusted with managing a graduate, setting the stage for his growth as a leader. 

 “The RISE mentoring program was another incredible opportunity that allowed me to develop my leadership skills,” he said. “It was an obvious decision for me.” -The idea of having an experienced professional, outside of the business, willing to commit their time and share their experiences to develop him professionally was what appealed to Weng the most. 

The value of having a mentor 

Weng joined the RISE mentoring program as a mentee in 2023. “For me, having access to an independent person to help me identify where I could develop and guide me on how else to solve problems was incredibly important.”    

“I was most interested in developing my people management skills. I had just been given a graduate to manage, and I wanted to know how to best support this person. I also wanted to expand my network, which I did through the program.” 

One-year on, Weng and his mentor remain in contact. They continue to commit time to each other and further cement their great relationship, which is one of the most valuable outcomes of the program.  

“The people who need the ISC RISE mentoring program the most are the people who don’t think they need it. This program really allows you to explore the unknowns without having to step out of your official duties. Your capabilities expand horizontally and your breadth of knowledge increases, which can often be missed when you focus on your current relationships. I am so glad I enrolled in this program and would strongly recommend others to do the same – you won’t regret it.” 


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