Hurstbridge Line Duplication Project – LXRP SPA AWP3 - ISCouncil

Hurstbridge Line Duplication Project – LXRP SPA AWP3

Project Details

  • Rating Type: As Built
  • Location: VIC
  • Rating Level: Leading
  • Rating Score: 79.85
  • Assessor Name: Lucas Bateup
  • IS Project manager: Luke Sammut / Randini Dissanayake
  • Stakeholders: Acciona, WSP, MTM, and LXRP ,WSP,Acciona ,MTM


The project scope includes: 

  • Duplicating two sections of track from Greensborough to Montmorency and Diamond Creek to Wattle Glen on the Hurstbridge Line. 
  • Building new, modern stations at Greensborough and Montmorency. 
  • Upgrading track and signalling infrastructure including two new rail bridges, two new substations, signalling and power improvements.

Rating Highlights 

Category  Credit  Achievements/ Description 
Energy  Ene-1  30kW of solar capacity installed 
Water  Wat-2  Reduce potable water usage by 50% through use of rain water capture 
Materials  Mat-1  Use of low carbon concrete mixes 

Verified Innovations 

Innovation Name   Verification Date  Description 
Inlet mat  8/5/24  A mat which protects stormwater drains in the project area 
Remote monitoring  8/5/24     
Recycled vests  8/5/24  Use of recycled vests from Upparel 
FODS  8/5/24    A mat which picks up truck dirt before moving off site 

Acknowledgments – People

Andrew Martin, Joe Kwan, Tom Convery, Sam Warren, Calum Philips 

Acknowledgments – Suppliers 

Parkinson Group, Boral, Upparel  


This was a challenging project due to a number of factors outside the project teams control, and the team is very happy to achieve a leading rating which verifiers all the effort put into sustainability aspects on this project. 

-Lucas Bateup, Sustainability Advisor - SPA 

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