Sydney Metro City & SW - Line-wide Works - ISCouncil

Sydney Metro City & SW – Line-wide Works

Project Details

  • Project Owner: Systems Connect
  • Rating Type: Design
  • Location: NSW
  • Rating Level: Leading
  • Rating Score: 87.18
  • IS Project manager: Asim Nizam / Sarisha Hurrisunker
  • Stakeholders: Systems Connect,Sydney Metro ,UGL, WSP, Aurecon & Hassel Design Joint Venture (WSPAJV) ,Systems Connect (CPB and UGL CJV)


The Sydney Metro City & Southwest (SMCSW) project will extend Sydney Metro Northwest to the CBD through Chatswood and beyond to Bankstown. The project is being delivered through a suite of contracts for the tunnels, stations, line-wide infrastructure and systems. The Line-wide Works (LW Works) package is a key component of SMCSW with works taking place over the full length of the Project area. 

  • The fit out of the Sydney Metro City & Southwest tunnels and stations including provision of track, overhead wiring, HV reticulation, tunnel ventilation, fire services tunnel services  
  • Delivery of bulk power feeds to meet the Sydney Metro City & Southwest high voltage reticulation and traction power requirements  
  • Expansion of the Sydney Metro Trains Facility at Tallawong  
  • The delivery of a new train stabling and infrastructure maintenance facility at Sydenham (Marrickville) 
  • The open northern dive works to tie Sydney Metro City & Southwest into the Sydney Metro Northwest at Chatswood  
  • Provision of HV reticulation and traction power for the Southwest corridor from Sydenham to Bankstown 

Rating Highlights 

Category  Credits  Achievements/Risks 
Energy and Carbon  Ene-1  The Project achieved a verified level of 3 with a score of 14.46. 

The Project have projected a 99.8% energy use reduction across construction and operation compared to the base case (19,279,233 tCO2-e to 46,717 tCO2-e). The following initiatives were implemented to reduce energy use: 

  • Recovery of regenerative braking energy from rollingstock 
  • Installing LED lighting, energy efficient HVAC systems and PV panels (250kWp) 
  • Offsetting 25% of carbon emissions from construction electricity  
  • Procuring renewable energy during operating offsetting  
Water  Wat-1  The Project achieved a verified level of 3 with a score of 7.23. 

The Project forecasted a 74.7% reduction in water use across construction and operation compared to the base case (1,610.5ML to 1,202.7ML). Examples of the water reduction initiatives implemented include: 

  • Non-potable water for dust suppression  
  • Improved WELS rated water fixtures and fittings  
  • Drought-tolerant zero irrigation plantings  
  • Recycled water from permanent GWTP for operation purposes  
Materials   Mat-1  The Project achieved a verified level of 1.97 with a score of 4.22. 

The Project achieved a 15% reduction in IS EnviroPoints compared to the base case. The material reductions were achieved through: 

  • Minimum 25% fly ash use for all concrete mixes, including 50% SCM trackslab concrete  
  • Fibre reinforced trackslab in lieu of steel reinforcement  
  • Local procurement of steel rail and concrete sleepers  
  • Cable containment optimisation in tunnels   


Verified Innovations 


Name   Verification Date  Innovation Type   Description & Sustainability Benefits 
Improving on Credit Benchmarks (Ene-1, Ene-2, Wat-1)  6/10/23    Improving on Credit Benchmarks   The Project received 3 points for exceeding the Level 3 benchmarks for Ene-1, Ene-2 and Wat-1.  
Regenerative Energy Recovery (Thyristor Inventor)   6/10/23    Innovative Technology or Process 

Australian First 

The Project received 3 points for this innovation.  

The Project demonstrated the first use of Thyristor Invertor technology for regenerative energy recovery system on a high voltage network (1500 V DC). This innovation has several sustainability benefits which includes: 

  • Significant energy and carbon emissions reductions 
  • Longer service life than conventional supercapacitor storage solutions (25-30 years compared to 10 years) 
  • Improved safety outcomes  
  • Reduced operational maintenance requirements  
Geopolymer Sleeper Trial   6/10/23  Innovative Technology or Process 

Australian First  

The Project received 3 points for this innovation.  

The Project conducted a trial use of 52 Geopolymer sleepers at the SMTF South depot at Marrickville. The Geopolymer concrete is a low-carbon concrete made from 100% supplementary cementitious materials as the replacement binder (instead of typical Portland cement sleepers). The sustainability benefits include: 

  • 56% (or 36.5 kg kgCO2-e) reduction in carbon emissions 
  • Improved updated of geopolymer sleeper technology on the wider Syndey Metro project 
Recycled Crushed Glass  6/10/23  Innovative Technology or Process 

State First 

The Project received 1 point for this innovation.  

The Project utilised recycled crushed glass as bedding material at SMTF North site instead of natural sand. This innovation has several benefits including: 

  • Reduced use of virgin material leading to 67% reduction in embodied carbon emissions and 72% reduction in IS EnviroPoints  
  • Reduction in glass fine waste being sent to landfill  
  • Reduced haulage distance compared to sourcing sand 

Certificatiion Date:


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