TasNetworks deliver a safe, reliable and affordable electricity supply to more than 295,000 residential, commercial and industrial customers. We facilitate the transfer of electricity between Victoria and Tasmania via Basslink, the sub-sea electricity interconnector. We also provide telecommunications and technology services. We are owned by the State of Tasmania and operate as a commercial business with assets of over $3.5 billion.
Our responsibilities include:
• Keeping our people and our customers safe
• Tasmanian jurisdictional planner in the National Electricity Market
• Maintaining and replacing network infrastructure to ensure a safe, reliable service for our customers
• Connecting new customers to the network (including small and large-scale generators)
• Investing in the network to support capacity growth
• Operating the network on a day-to-day basis, including all power outage restoration
• Renewable Energy Zone planner and developer
• Maintaining the public lighting system
• Recording and providing regulated meter data to retailers
• Providing telecommunications, data centre and information technology services to customers, including those in the Tasmanian electricity supply industry.